影片是关于一个男生从20岁到23岁、从大学到工作、从国内到国外的生活片段及内心感悟。安东尼(刘畅 饰)是一个不特别、不会说很酷话的普通男生,在20岁的时候从大连留学墨尔本,并遇到了小萱(唐艺昕 饰)、家明(白举纲 饰)、小黑(宋芸桦 饰)、Pierre(布鲁斯 饰)等一众好友。在这漫长岁月里,发生了一系列或浪漫、或甜蜜、或可笑、或感人的故事。而他同时也记挂着远在日本的小樱(白百何 饰),时隔两年后在东京相见的他们,会发生怎样的故事……
影片根据安东尼的同名畅销作品改编。In this tale of love, loss, and growing up, Anthony faces a big move. He's leaving home behind for Australia, in pursuit of a prestigious business degree. Not only is he leaving his family, but also the secret crush of his life, Ying. As Anthony grows, finding new loves and hobbies, he finds himself saying goodbye to the only woman he's ever truly loved.