道森(詹姆斯·麦斯登 James Marsden 饰)和阿曼达(米歇尔·莫娜汉 Michelle Monaghan 饰)曾经是一对情侣,两人交往多年,感情十分要好。然而,来自家庭的反对和生活的变故令阿曼达渐渐远离了道森,而道森则在一场突发意外中失手杀人,锒铛入狱。得知了道森入狱的消息,善良的阿曼达前去探望,然而,自认为配不上阿曼达的道森避而不见,久而久之,阿曼达只能放弃。 一转眼二十一年过去,道森出狱后成为了一名钻井工人,而阿曼达也寻得了如意郎君,嫁为人妇,可是,阿曼达的内心里依然思念着道森。一位故人的逝去让道森和阿曼达重新走到了一起,他们需要共同处理这位逝者的丧事。Amanda and Dawson are soul mates who met as teens and were from different backgrounds. But circumstances would force them to part ways. 20 years later they are brought back together by the passing of a mutual friend. So they go back home to fulfill his final wishes and they run into each other. While Amanda is married, albeit unhappily, she still has feelings for Dawson but can't forgive him for pushing her away.