自从赢得世界大赛之后,农用飞机“尘土”已经成为尽人皆知的草根冠军。可是有一天在练习时,他的身体发现异样。经检查后得知他的变速箱出了问题,该型号变速箱由于老旧已经停产,这也意味着尘土再也无法参加激烈的比赛。一天夜里,不甘失败的尘土继续挑战极限,结果引发弯角服务站机场加油站的大火。虽然侥幸扑灭火灾,但是由于机场安全消防措施不过关,面临着被关闭的命运。眼看就到了机场玉米节狂欢,在场的每一个人都提心吊胆。感觉负主要责任的尘土主动要求参加消防员的培训,在此之后他结识了有着丰富丛林火灾扑灭经验的刀锋、乘风者、北斗星等新伙伴。 一切从零开始,命运发生转折的尘土迎难而上……When world-famous air racer Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he must shift gears and is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with veteran fire and rescue helicopter Blade Ranger and his team, a bunch of all-terrain vehicles known as The Smokejumpers. Together, the fearless team battles a massive wildfire, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a true hero.