作为「铁拳」系列的首部3D动画,其制作班底相当华丽,由曾负责「铁拳5」「铁拳6」及「生化危机:恶化」的Digital Frontier制作,毛利雄一(Yuichi Mouri)导演,佐藤大编剧、樋口真嗣分镜脚本,采用数码3D制作。 在片中,可以看到与「铁拳6」设定风格一致的众多熟悉角色,有凌晓雨、风间仁、妮娜、三岛一八、亚莉莎、安娜、熊猫,身分未明的神秘高中生神谷真,以及三岛财阀主力的铁拳众与风间仁的变身恶魔型态,展开充满戏剧张力的魄力武打对决。 《铁拳:血之复仇》的主人公是精通中国拳法的女高中生凌晓雨。 由于一件特殊的委托,凌晓雨潜入日本京都的国际学校,对一位名叫神谷真的少年展开调查。随后,凌晓雨发现了隐藏在“三岛财团”背后的秘密。High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya. Meanwhile, Jin Kazama, the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, sends Alisa Bosconovitch to the university for the same mission. Though they do not know each other's true motives, Xiaoyu and Alisa become close friends. However, their friendship is put to the test when Shin is captured by an unknown assailant.