33岁的游佐弘子(友阪理惠 饰)是一名终日奔波忙碌的职场女性,因为向往工作,两年前她和丈夫离婚,独自拉扯着6岁的儿子友也,日夜不得闲暇。某天,母子二人遭遇了一名武士打扮的奇怪男子,他自称中岛安兵卫(錦戸亮 饰),是效力于德川家族的幕臣,不知因何种原因穿越到了现代社会。因无可依靠,安兵卫借住在游佐母子家中。古现代的价值观由此发生激烈碰撞,也闹出不少的笑话。大男子主义的安兵卫渐渐放下武士的高贵身段,担当起家庭妇男的角色,并且和母子的关系日渐融洽,也最终在这个陌生的社会取得了可喜的成就…… 本片根据荒木源的同名原作改编。Kidzhima Yasube, the Samurai of the period Edo, is postponed to 180 years ahead to Japan of our days. There he meets the divorced woman Hiroko and her son Tomoyey. She invites Yasube to herself to live, and for food and a lodging for the night asks it to help about the house. The former Samurai begins to cook cakes for Toma and thanks to them becomes the famous confectioner. The relations between this Trinity become more and more warm, but day when they have to say goodbye with each other, already not far off .