道貌岸然的水源警局警官高建洙(李善均 饰)正处在人生的危急关头,他的母亲不久前刚刚去世,警局方面因为和同事涉嫌受贿而被检察官调查,回家奔丧的路上速度过快又不慎撞死了人。高左右奔突,疲于奔命,最后以瞒天过海的方式逃过一劫。好不容易渡过危机的高和同事受命追查一个通缉犯,结果却发现对方正是自己撞到的人。雪上加霜的是,偏偏有人目击了车祸过程,并且匿名举报。之后不久,神秘之人(赵镇雄 饰)打来电话,直接道出高建洙撞到通缉犯的隐情。 对方拥有和高警官同样体面的身份,而他反复纠缠这个惊弓之鸟背后又有怎样不可告人的目的?Detective Go Geon-soo is having a hard day, and the following events happen to him in less than 24 hours: He receives a divorce notice from his wife. His mother passes away. He and his coworkers are investigated by police inspectors over alleged embezzlement. Then on his way to his mother's funeral, he drives recklessly and commits a fatal hit and run. He tries to cover-up the accident by hiding the man's corpse in his deceased mother's coffin. But someone has been watching all along, and Geon-soo gets a mysterious call from a person claiming that he was the sole witness to the crime, who now begins to threaten him.