索尼卖下《真相》的北美发行权,影片由凯特·布兰切特和罗伯特·雷德福主演,改编自《真相与责任:媒体、总统和特权》。原书聚焦2004年丹·拉瑟(罗伯特)关于小布什在越战期间享受特殊待遇的报道,事后被怀疑部分参考文件涉嫌伪造。The story of The Killian Documents controversy (a.k.a. "Rathergate") in the days leading up to the 2004 presidential election. When veteran newscaster Dan Rather and CBS News head Mary Mapes choose to air a segment on 60 Minutes exposing how President Bush avoided being drafted to Vietnam through his father's political advantages, the resulting fallout ultimately costs them their jobs and reputations.