黑夜里,他(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)协助黑帮分子抢劫,是运送车手。白天,他在好友香农(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)的车行从事电影飞车特技工作。在一次逛超市时,他邂逅了艾琳(凯瑞·穆丽根 Carey Mulligan 饰)母子, 双方互有好感,并度过愉快的周末。不过,艾琳的老公斯坦德出狱了,这让他们的感情被拦腰斩断,尽管双方心有灵犀,却只剩无奈。香农把他推荐给黑帮大佬伯尼和尼诺。与此同时,他无意中发现斯坦德被人痛扁,原来后者在狱中欠了保护费。为了偿还高利贷并保证母子平安,斯坦德决定再次铤而走险。他为了艾琳决定帮斯坦德完成这一票。然而,在打劫银行的过程中,斯坦德被店主意外击毙,而他和女同伙布兰奇陷入了黑吃黑的迷局…… 丹麦导演尼古拉斯`温丁`雷弗恩凭此片获64届戛纳电影节最佳导演奖。A mysterious man who has multiple jobs as a garage mechanic, a Hollywood stuntman and a getaway driver seems to be trying to escape his shady past as he falls for his neighbor - whose husband is in prison and who's looking after her child alone. Meanwhile, his garage mechanic boss is trying to set up a race team using gangland money, which implicates our driver as he is to be used as the race team's main driver. Our hero gets more than he bargained for when he meets the man who is married to the woman he loves.