大端朝全盛之际,牧云皇族和穆如世家三百年的盟约因为一个预言而冰裂。预言说,六皇子牧云笙执剑则天下大乱,而穆如寒江将成为未来的皇帝。以牧云栾和牧云德为代表的地方势力密谋趁机夺权,为此不惜与邪恶势力合作。太子牧云笙不爱江山不信天命,为追寻真爱宁愿牺牲权力地位。穆如寒江生于世家长于市井,喜欢自由,又想守护秩序,历经艰险磨难,终于回归家族。硕风和叶在与穆如铁骑的战斗中失去了亲人和族人,经过了血与火的洗礼,生与死的诀别,人情的冷暖,权力的碰撞之后,他从一个复仇者成长为铁沁之王。The series is set in the fictional world of Novoland and tells the story of loyalty, friendship, enmity, struggles and romance between the young descendants during the twilight years of the Duan Dynasty: a half-spirit prince, son of a general, a tribesman leader, a girl with Queen fate, a spirit woman, a warrior princess.