本片改编自英国作家斯威夫特的同名小说,讲述了格列佛在小人国的奇遇故事。 格列佛(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 饰)是一个公司邮政室小职员,岁数也不小,可事业和爱情却都一无所成,平时唯一的爱好就是星球大战玩偶作伴。一次阴差阳错的公派任务,把他带到了百慕大群岛,不料,出海即遭遇到大风暴。待一切风平浪静之后发现自己来到了一个地图上没有的神秘小岛Lilliput,这里住着成百上千“小人”。而自己正被他们用无数根绳子“钉”在了海滩上,成为了他们俘虏。但久而久之,小人国的人民和格列佛变成了好朋友。此时公主(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt)将被下嫁到另一个国家,但她已有了青梅竹马的爱人,格列佛出面化解了两国的纠纷,还帮助公主和爱人完成终身大事。格列佛因而变成了这里的英雄人物,而这段经历也让他明白了人类的内心的强大与否无关外表。Lemuel Gulliver has been working in the mail room of a New York daily newspaper for the past ten years. Afraid to put himself out there, he considers himself a loser, as do all his peers. One day, after having finally had enough, he decides to declare his flame to the beautiful Darcy Silverman, the newspaper's travel editor and one of Gulliver's only friends...only to chicken out at the last minute and instead tell her that he'd like to try his hand at writing a column. Darcy accepts and sends him on an assignment to the Bermuda Triangle. There, Gulliver becomes shipwrecked and ends up on the island of Liliput, where he is twelve taller than the tallest man. For the first time, Gulliver has people looking up to him...