在众人眼里,汤姆(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)和薇莱特(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰)是天设地造的一对,他们经过1年的爱情短跑,都自认为是世界上最了解对方的那个人,两人闪电订婚。薇莱特渴望有一个完美的家庭,但同时也希望能够有自己的事业,她收到了密歇根大学的一个梦寐以求的职位,但前提是汤姆必须放弃现在的工作,两人一起迁往密歇根。汤姆同意了,但在密歇根的生活并不如他所想得那么美好,一方面,专业技能很强的他居然只能在小吃店找到一份仅够糊口的工作,另一方面,薇莱特在职场上屡屡获得成功,两人的距离越来越远。 矛盾随着薇莱特的步步高升日益激化,两人的婚礼年复一年的推迟着,而正当他们两人下定决心要举行婚礼的时候,一个第三者的吻却给两人的感情制造了难以愈合的伤痕。In San Francisco, after a year's relationship, Tom proposes to Violet; she accepts. She's an experimental psychologist, hoping for a post-doc at Cal. He's a sous chef who runs the kitchen when the chef is away. When Cal falls through and she gets an offer in Ann Arbor, Tom agrees to support the move, turning down a job as chef at a new restaurant. The move requires postponing the wedding. At Michigan, Violet is in her element, but Tom is underemployed and frustrated; he's Stoic for a while, but when two years in Michigan become four, Tom's frustrations boil over, and on the eve of yet another wedding date, they must make a choice. Is there any other alternative?