自幼梦想成为剑客火枪手的米奇(Wayne Allwine 配音)、唐老鸭(Tony Anselmo 配音)和高菲(Bill Farmer 配音),长大后只是在凡尔赛宫内负责打扫卫生的杂役。虽然地位低下,错误不断,不过他们依旧乐观地憧憬美好明天。与此同时,皇家侍卫队队长皮特(Jim Cummings 配音)图谋篡夺王位,因此设计劫持米妮公主(Russi Taylor 配音)。险些遇害的米妮命令皮特增加护卫力量,后者则处心积虑擢升完全没有经验的米奇他们成为火枪手。三个好伙伴梦想成真,米奇更与公主一见钟情。但在接下来的日子里,皮特开始展开他的篡位计划。 “人人为我,我为人人”,秉承着这个崇高的信念,三个好伙伴迎难而上……Best buddies Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are small-time janitors with big dreams of becoming Musketeers. Peg-Leg Pete, captain of the Musketeers, points out why they'll never make it: Donald is a coward, Goofy is a dim-wit, and Mickey is short. But things change when Princess Minnie demands Musketeer bodyguards when assassins, hired by Pete so he can be king, nearly drop a safe on her. Knowing real Musketeers are too-well trained, Pete hires Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, the clumsy janitors as Musketeers and Minnie's bodyguards.