英国导演丹尼·鲍耶(Danny Boyle)将为福克斯探照灯公司拍摄《127小时》(127 Hours),该片根据真人真事改编,讲述了美国登山青年阿伦·拉斯顿(Aron Ralston)断臂自救的故事。 2003年5月美国登山爱好者阿伦·拉斯顿在犹他州一座峡谷攀岩时,因 右臂被石头压住被困5天5夜,为了逃生,他强忍剧痛,花了一个多小时的时间,先后将桡骨和尺骨折断,用自己的运动短裤当作临时止血带,然后用小刀从肘部将右前臂硬生生切断。从岩石下脱身后,为了与失血抢时间,他以超人的毅力爬过狭窄和风力强劲的峡谷,缘绳下到60英尺深的谷底,再步行5英里后与营救人员相遇,终于成功生还。127 Hours is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon in Utah. Over the next five days Ralston examines his life and survives the elements to finally discover he has the courage and the wherewithal to extricate himself by any means necessary, scale a 65 foot wall and hike over eight miles before he can be rescued. Throughout his journey, Ralston recalls friends, lovers, family, and the two hikers he met before his accident. Will they be the last two people he ever had the chance to meet?