写在牛仔裤上的女孩儿的情谊,婉转动听,异常温暖。 也许是上帝的安排,卡门、堤比、莲娜和布莉姬这四个女孩的缘分是在她们都在娘胎里就注定的。同在夏末出生的她们性格迥异却从小亲如姐妹。十六岁这年夏天,四姐妹第一次面对分离,各自渡过一个没有对方的夏天。意外的,她们发现了一条牛仔 裤,身材相差很大的四姐妹穿上居然都很合适。于是,神奇的牛仔裤变成了友情的信物,伴随她们开始各自的旅程。 大胆而无拘束的布莉姬(布蕾克·莱弗利 饰)来到了炎热的墨西哥,加入足球训练营;漂亮羞涩的莲娜( 阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 饰)前往圣洁的希腊,用画笔勾勒爱琴海的神秘;冲动敏感的卡门盼望与在她儿时就搬走的父亲共度美好的暑假,而叛逆另类的堤比( 爱波·塔布琳 饰)也为录制她自己的电视节目而忙碌着。牛仔裤承载着友谊与勇气在她们之间传递,陪伴她们,学着去爱,学着长大。The movie is based on the young adult book, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, by Anne Brashares. As four best friends spend their first summer apart from one another, they share a magical pair of jeans. Despite being of various shapes and sizes, each one of them fits perfectly into the pants. To keep in touch they pass these pants to each other as well as the adventures they are going through while apart.