西佳敬(北野武饰)是一名警察,几年前女儿不幸死去,现在妻子(岸本加世子饰)患白血病已到晚期。好意让他去探望妻子的搭档堀部(大杉涟饰),则在任务中严重受伤,导致下半身瘫痪,与轮椅为伴。后来西在一次逮捕行动中处理失当,又导致后辈田中(芦川诚饰)丧生。引咎辞职的他,想着供养田中的寡妻(大家由佑子饰),接近并安慰老友堀部,黑社会紧追着他索讨利息,这一切都令西感到不堪重负。他决定铤而走险,做件冒险的事情,将一切做个了结。最后,西陪妻子做一次没有归途的旅行。Nishi is a cop whose wife is slowly dying of leukemia. One of his partners gets shot on the job, which results in him being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life and becoming suicidal. Nishi, feeling guilty of his partner's accident, tries to help him in any way he can. At the same time, Nishi leaves the police to spend more time with his dying wife. However, in order to do the right things for those he loves, Nishi must do something wrong, which has tragic consequences.