幕府末年的海阪藩,下级武士清兵卫(真田广之)在妻子病逝后,以微薄薪俸独自照料痴呆老母和两个年幼女儿,由于每日结束工作后都是匆匆回家从不参加应酬,他被同僚们戏称为“黄昏的清兵卫”。 与清兵卫青梅竹马的朋江(宫泽里惠)同丈夫离婚回到娘家后,常到清兵卫家代他照顾母亲和女儿,招来不少蜚言蜚语。清兵卫显露高超剑技击退了无理纠缠的朋江的前夫,然而当朋江的哥哥建议他迎娶朋江时,他却因不想让朋江吃苦婉拒了好意,致使朋江自此绝迹于他家。藩主得知清兵卫的才能后,强命他前去处决一名力敌数人据守不出的反叛武士。临行前,清兵卫向朋江表白了隐藏心底已久的爱意,不想对方已经答应另一门亲事,清兵卫黯然踏上生死未卜之途。Seibei Iguchi, a low-ranking samurai, leads a life without glory as a bureaucrat in the mid-XIX century Japan. A widower, he has charge of two daughters (whom he adores) and a senile mother; he must therefore work in the fields and accept piecework to make ends meet. New prospects seem to open up when Tomoe, his long-time love, divorces a brutal husband. However, even as the Japanese feudal system is unraveling, Seibei remains bound by the code of honour of the samurai and by his own sense of social precedences. The consequences are cruel.