刚刚和妻子离婚的卢卡斯(麦斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)目前在一家托儿所工作,心地善良个性温和的他很快就受到了同事和孩子们的喜爱,其中,一个名叫卡拉(安妮卡·韦德科普 Annika Wedderkopp 饰)的早熟女孩对卢卡斯尤为的亲近。面对女孩幼稚 而单纯的示好,卢卡斯只能婉转的拒绝,可令他没有想到的是,这一举动将他的生活推向了风口浪尖。 卡拉报复性的谎言让卢卡斯背负起了性侵女童的罪名,一时间,这个好好先生成为了整个小镇排挤和压迫的对象。好友的愤怒,前妻的不信任,爱犬的死亡和陌生人的恶意让卢卡斯几近崩溃,而当小小的卡拉吐露真相之后,恶意却并没有随着卢卡斯的重获清白而划下句点。Lucas is a Kindergarten teacher who takes great care of his students. Unfortunately for him, young Klara has a run-away imagination and concocts a lie about her teacher. Before Lucas is even able to understand the consequences, he has become the outcast of the town. The hunt is on to prove his innocence before it's taken from him for good.