寒冷的北海道钏路,可爱的高一新生高桥七美(ささきのぞみ 配音)刚刚入学便结实了英俊帅气被全校绝大多数女生喜欢的矢野元晴(矢崎广 配音)。从最初的心存反感到后来的神思牵挂,七美对元晴的情感也悄悄发生着变化。可是,元晴似乎藏着难以为人道的孤独和忧伤。原来他曾有一个相互爱恋的女友山本奈奈(ゆりん 配音),但是一场事故夺去恋人的生命。终于有一天,七美鼓起勇气向元晴表白,元晴也向这个单纯执著的女孩打开心门。从这一天起,这对恋人以及他们身边所有的好友开始经历着一段交织着苦乐辛酸的青春爱情之旅…… 本片根据小畑友纪2004年荣获第50回小学馆漫画赏少女部门嘉奖的少女纯爱漫画《我们的存在》改编。Nanami Takahashi is a high school student entering her first year. Immediately on her first day however, she becomes the victim of a practical joke by the school's most popular guy, Motoharu Yano, who coincidentally also ends up in her class. While the two get off to a rocky start, they soon find themselves falling in love with one another and begin dating. But their relationship is marred by Yano's past which includes the death of Yano's previous girlfriend, Nana Yamamoto, and the betrayal surrounding her death. To make matters more complicated her younger sister, Yuri, is in the same class as Yano and Nanami. As Yano struggles to come to grips with Nana's death and his unresolved feelings for her, so too must Nanami learn to understand Yano if the two hope to continue their relationship with one another.