让七彩斑斓的鱼群钻出屏幕,跟你在家中一起自由畅泳!《潜入水世界 3D》带你探访多种有趣的海洋生物,了解其生活习惯及独门求生技能,除了八爪鱼、水母、魔鬼鱼和其它别具个性的鱼类,更有海龟、海豚、海牛与海狮这些水陆两栖动物。在尖端的3D映像技术下,栩栩如生的牠们会成为客厅的贵宾,为你打造一个私人海底世界,体验难忘的梦幻蓝色旅程。Amazing Oceans 3D is a fantastic journey through the magic of the deep blue sea. Let yourself be amazed by little schools of fish that swim right into your living room and experience dolphins and whale sharks that visit you on your sofa. Shot in stereoscopic 3D, Amazing Oceans 3D is a breathtakingly beautiful 3D experience for the whole family. Fun for the young and the young at heart!