神父詹姆斯是一位好牧师,虔诚正直。有一天一个前来的告解的人对詹姆斯说会杀了他就因为他从来没有做错事。他只有一周的时间来与上帝精神统一,詹姆斯照顾着各式各样的堕落无助的人,他会去探望这些人——或许能在其中找到嫌疑人。他的死亡准备太过复杂,尤其是对于他企图自杀的女儿来说。Father James is a small-town priest in Ireland whose Sunday confessionals suddenly include a threat to kill him in a week's time as a matter of principle. Deeply troubled and conflicted about how to respond, Father James tries to go on with his calling through that week. However, that proves impossible as he is confronted with a troubling variety of spiritual challenges from both his estranged daughter and his own parishioners. In those dispiriting struggles, Father James' life begins to fall apart as time runs out towards a confrontation that seems to crystallize his values and what he wants his life to be.