马克.罗布森导演,背景是在中国抗日时期。一位英国女佣葛拉蒂(英格丽.褒曼饰)想参加传教团来中国传教,但却因为资格问题而被拒绝入团。葛拉蒂不放弃这一想法,由西伯利亚铁路来华,到六福客栈传教并且帮忙。此时正是日本侵华时期,葛遇到中德混血儿上尉林(克德.朱尔吉斯饰)。林是国民党的情报官,劝葛回英国,而葛则以自己是中国公民而拒绝。后两人坠入爱河,但是时事不容得他们考虑。西昌传教士带来五十名孤儿,杰米逊博士准备用军车将孤儿撤往后方,葛便带领百名孤儿上路,经过爬山涉水千难万险,终于将孤儿们带到了西安,完成了一般人视为不可能的巨举。本片强调中华儿女抗日精神,场面壮观,感情丰富动人,令人深浸其中。本片曾获得最佳导演金像奖提名。All her life Englishwoman Gladys Aylward knew that China was the place where she belonged. Not qualified to be sent there as a missionary, Gladys works as a domestic to earn the money to send herself to a poor, remote village. There she eventually lives a full and happy life: running the inn, acting as "foot inspector", advising the local Mandarin and even winning the heart of mixed race Captain Lin Nan. But Gladys discovers her real destiny when the country is invaded by Japan and the Chinese children need her to save their lives. Based on a true story.