青年休·麦克艾利斯特(Brandon Kyle Peters 饰)按照未婚妻未婚妻劳瑞·苏利文(Danielle Lilley 饰)的意愿,在远离喧嚣都市的僻静角落买了一座数十款长的大房子。乔迁当日,劳瑞对新房子既满意又惊奇,稍后没多久,马克(Jose Miguel Vasquez 饰)、安柏(Emily Cutting 饰)、肯尼斯(Christopher de Padua 饰)等朋友驱车前来,准备为小两口开一个盛大的乔迁派对。马可他们百无聊赖,四处闲逛,结果强行进入一个无人居住的旧房子。青年男女百无禁忌,四处闲逛,根本不知自己已经惹到了什么。夜幕降临,喜欢热闹的男女们纷纷云集到休的新居,大开狂欢派对。喜欢肯尼斯的女孩独自落寞地再次来到那栋空房子,谁知却被隐藏在这里的恐怖之人残忍杀害。 那边厢狂欢无度,这边厢血腥杀戮的闸门缓缓开启……Laurie and Hugh are a successful young couple who have just closed on a weekend home away from the city. Unbeknownst to them, the neighboring property contains the crumbling remains of a boarding school that was shuttered in the wake of an unspeakable massacre. The sole survivor of that massacre still resides in the ruins of the school, hiding from the world and wanting only to be left alone. When Laurie and Hugh's friends explore the property, they have no idea that they disturbed an emotionally-broken killing machine: The Blood Widow.