在伦敦的某处,沈睡地底多年的喷火巨龙,因地下工程的施工而被唤醒并飞离洞穴,40多年后,巨龙与其繁殖的无数后代占领了地球,人类文明因而被摧毁殆尽,只能躲在废弃城堡的洞穴中,靠未被喷火龙摧毁的农作物为生。 伦敦地区的人类领袖昆恩是一个自小母亲便死于巨龙火舌的孤儿,带领着该区仅存的人类与怪龙对抗;某日,来自外地的美国义勇军官范桑与他的军队前来援助,起初昆恩拒绝外来客的支持,后来才明白原来美国人一样饱受喷火龙摧残之苦,于是两支大军结合力量,计划消灭最早逃出的巨龙皇后,为人类的生存与希望而战。It is twenty years in the future, and the planet has been devastated by vicious fire-breathing dragons. The last vestiges of humanity now struggle for survival at remote outposts. In a ruined castle in the English countryside, Quinn is desperately trying to hold together a band of frightened, restless survivors. As a boy, Quinn watched his mother die protecting him from one of the beasts, and is still haunted by the memory. One day, a group of American rogues shows up, led by a brash, tough-guy named Van Zan. He claims to have discovered a way to kill the dragons once and for all, and enlists Quinn's help. But doing so will force Quinn to confront his own frightening memories. This, and Quinn's responsibilities to those that are under his protection, results in a battle of wills between the two men. In the end, events cause them both to realize that they must work together to defeat the monsters--both without and within.