在纽约打工的青年阿克塞(Johnny Depp 饰)梦中看到一位因纽特人昏倒在冰原上,雪橇犬将其救回,一只红气球在空中不停飘荡……阿克塞痴迷表演的朋友保罗(Vincent Gallo 饰)来访,邀请他远赴亚利桑那为伯父里奥伴婚,里奥在亚利桑那经营汽车生意打拼多年,遂留下阿克塞与保罗二人在车行中工作。不久阿克塞结识了性格不合的艾琳娜(Faye Dunaway 饰)与格蕾丝母女,为帮助艾琳娜圆一个飞行梦,阿克塞滞留这对母女家中,尝试制作各种飞行器,在不断的失败中从头再来,这对神经质母女的吵闹一直伴随着他。阿克塞的梦里,一只鱼在空中穿梭飞升……艾琳娜终于得到了一架小飞机,在庆祝的聚会上,阿克塞向格蕾丝示爱引发了意外的结局。 本片获1993年柏林电影节银熊奖。An Innuit hunter races his sled home with a fresh-caught halibut. This fish pervades the entire film, in real and imaginary form. Meanwhile, Axel tags fish in New York as a naturalist's gofer. He's happy there, but a messenger arrives to bring him to Arizona for his uncle's wedding. It's a ruse to get Axel into the family business. In Arizona, Axel meets two odd women: vivacious, needy, and plagued by neuroses and familial discord. He gets romantically involved with one, while the other, rich but depressed, plays accordion tunes to a gaggle of pet turtles.