第二次世界大战开始了,硝烟和炮火让整个世界满目疮痍,人民深陷于水火之中,苦苦挣扎。在占领了法国之后,凶残的纳粹开始了对于犹太人的疯狂屠杀,从屠刀下幸运地死里逃生的施劳模(利昂尔·阿贝兰斯基 Lionel Abelanski 饰)此刻脑海里只有一个念头,那就是要将这鲜血淋漓的一切告知聚居在施代尔的犹太人们。 在得知了这一消息后,惊恐万状的村民们决定举村迁逃,他们集资购买了一列火车,一部分人乔装打扮成德国士兵,佯装押送犹太人前往集中营,希望能以此蒙混过关。前路上充满了凶险和危机,这些未经世事的村民们,能够顺利凭借他们的小聪明和小智慧死里逃生吗?Central Europe, WWII. The village fool of a small Jewish community warns the townsfolk that the Nazis are coming, and advises them to build a fake deportation train to cross the Russian border and get to Palestine. Some Jews are dressed up with German uniforms, and soon they start getting strange ideas about how it feels to be a Nazi; others are infected with the fast-spreading germ of communism. Meanwhile, the Russian border gets closer and closer...