戴夫觉得自己的中学时代快要结束了,可是还什么也没有做,他决定应该挖一个游泳池,让大家在毕业典礼之后来他家游泳,并举办舞会,这样或许能够成为毕业生的传奇人物。他在挖掘当中遇到地震,过后在他的游泳池里发现了一块玻璃一样的冰块,里面有一个沉睡着的人。冰块融化后,沉睡者复活了,竟然是...Stoney and Dave find a caveman (Link) trapped in ice, thaw him out, and show him around town. Although Link is slow to catch on to basic concepts of 20th century life, he has no trouble impressing all the girls and helping Stoney and Dave find the coolness they've been searching for.