60年来,“外星人劫持”事件屡有发生,但在2007年7月的一天,随着一颗彗星飞向地球,引起恐慌的撞击没有发生,却是4400个曾在不同年代被劫持的人一次性回归地球。经过一系列医疗观察,美国国土安全局计划安置他们,帮助他们回归社会,但是这些人身上逐渐开始显现出“特异功能”,他们中有的会意念治疗,有的有的可以“造梦”,有的能听到别人思想,但是对他们来说,如何继续生活下去才是最重要的,被“劫持”的一段时间似乎从他们生命中硬生生砍掉了,世界的变化令他们始料未及,仍有人在追寻“劫持”的真相,似乎有更大的使命在等待他们……The pilot begins with a ball of light sailing towards Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades, but hasn't aged a day. These are the stories of the 4400 abductees after they are returned to Earth. The show follows two NSA agents who are trying to figure out what happened and why. Some of those returned have been affected in mysterious ways with certain abilities, both good and bad.