格里芬(德蒙特•莫罗尼 饰)被确诊患上了癌症,估计只有不到两年的寿命。而他早与妻子离异了,儿子归妻子抚养,因此没有人知道他的不幸。 格里芬在心理学课上遇到了菲尼克斯(阿曼达•皮特 饰)。两人相处甚欢,而菲尼克斯发现自己爱上了格里芬。事实上,菲尼斯克也是一名癌症患者,当两人把自己的情况都告诉了彼此之后,他们的之间更加密切了。他们来到了海边度假,决定要与对方共度剩下的美好时光,他们也约定不要出现在对方的葬礼上。 幸福日子过得太快了,菲尼克斯的病情加重。到了医院的她不要见格里芬,可是格里芬真挚的爱情还是感动了她。担心自己活不过冬天的菲尼克斯悲伤不已,因为她最喜欢的节日便是圣诞节。当格里芬抱着她到中央公园时,睁开眼看到的景象让菲尼克斯惊喜不已……Griffin is divorced, living in a flat in Manhattan while his sons and ex live in the family home in Westchester. He gets bad news from his oncologist: cancerous lesions have spread through his chest, and he has only a year or so to live. He audits a psychology class on death and dying at a nearby college where he chats up a woman who turns out to be an assistant dean. She's Phoenix; she smiles but keeps her distance, warming to him slowly. He tells her nothing of his situation. At his apartment a few days later, she finds a stash of books on death, dying, and terminal illness: will she put two and two together, and what will she do about it?