这个世界上天灾人祸的死亡可能性千百种,但绝对不敢相信求婚竟然也可以闹出命来?『爱情衰神』安德森就是这样的一个苦命男子! 安德森(杰森毕格斯饰)精心策划好的求婚晚餐,突然其来的求婚举动,竟然让他相恋多年的女友心脏病爆发,死於餐厅里,女友的突然过世,让安德森跌入谷底、再也不相信真爱的存在。某日,安德森朋友在餐厅里力劝他重新振作,当两人在餐厅争论时,他在阴错阳差之下不小心向女服务生凯特(艾丝拉费雪饰)求婚,没想到凯特想也不想地竟然点头答应!这对根本不熟的欢喜冤家,开始迈向了挑战真爱的搞笑新婚之路……。This is a comedy that shows us that love has nothing to do with perfection. After losing the woman of his dreams, Anderson is convinced he'll never fall in love again. But at the urging of his best friend, he spontaneously proposes to a dissatisfied waitress named Katie and an innocent dare evolves into the kind of love that they both have been looking for all along.