尼克(雅各布·克德格恩 Jakob Cedergren 饰)很少回忆过去,因为那里存在着的只有痛苦和悲剧,然而,回忆却不放过尼克,它的一次次纠缠和卷土重来让尼克只能通过酗酒和健身才能保持心智的健全。在尼克的记忆力,弟弟是唯一温暖的存在,他们正是靠着曾经的相互扶持,在得以生存至今。如今,这个温暖的男人却沦为了一届毒贩,为了生活和保留儿子马丁(加斯塔夫·芬奇·卡杰鲁夫 Gustav Fischer Kjærulff 饰)的抚养权而终日四处奔波。 受生活所迫,尼克和弟弟在很久之前分开了,音信全无,而两人都没有想到的是,他们的重逢竟然发生在监狱里。这次重逢会带来怎样的改变?这两个血管里流着相同血液的男人能否成为彼此的救赎呢?As children, Nick and his little brother take care of their baby brother while their mother drinks herself senseless. But the baby dies, and both brothers blame themselves. Many years later, Nick is out of prison after serving time for an assault. He drinks, lives in a shelter and tries to help an old friend. When their mother dies, Nick meets his brother at the funeral. The brother, who remains nameless, is a single father to a young boy, but also supports a drug habit that is spiraling out of control. When an opportunity presents itself, he becomes a drug dealer to secure his son's future. Eventually, the two brothers meet again.