年过七旬的美国联邦调查局局长埃德加·胡佛(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)应《犯罪纪实》之邀口述个人回忆录。胡佛向回忆录代笔作者讲述了他自1919年以来的重要人生历程:逮捕左翼分子领袖、缉拿臭名昭著的黑帮头目、破获震惊全美的林德伯格绑架案等等。依据胡佛的讲述,他力排众议,改组联邦调查局,引入高科技侦查手段,尽心尽力为美国社会的和平与稳定而操劳。然而另一方面,他的私人生活却成为了他想要极力掩饰的部分。 就在胡佛回顾自己一生的时候,美国社会依然有诸多动荡因素存在。胡佛任用多年的私人助理克莱德·托尔森(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)也似与他保持着不寻常的关系……Biopic of J. Edgar Hoover told by Hoover as he recalls his career for a biography. Early in his career, Hoover fixated on Communists, anarchists and any other revolutionary taking action against the U.S. government. He slowly builds the agency's reputation, becoming the sole arbiter of who gets hired and fired. One of his hires is Clyde Tolson who is quickly promoted to Assistant Director and would be Hoover's confidant and companion for the rest of Hoover's life. Hoover's memories have him playing a greater role in the many high profile cases the FBI was involved in - the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the arrest of bank robbers like John Dillinger - and also show him to be quite adept at manipulating the various politicians he's worked with over his career, thanks in large part to his secret files.