本片在2011年圣丹斯电影节上获得剧情片评委会大奖,女主角也赢得评委团特别奖。 安娜Anna(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones 饰)是来自英国的留学生,雅各布Jacob(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)是土生土长的美国人。他们就读于同一所大学,不久两人相恋并过上了甜蜜的同居生活。可安娜的护照签证即将到期,为了爱情她留在美国,可移民局找上了门来强制遣送她回国,并宣布她永远不能再次踏上美国国土。远距离的恋爱让两人备受煎熬,在爱情的驱使下,雅各布一次次踏上了去英国寻找爱情的旅途。可紧跟着距离是不断发生的争执,两人分手了。随着时间推移两人在各自的国度都有了新的生活,可彼此心中却割舍不下彼此。他们会为了爱情再不顾一切的疯狂一次吗?这份热情还会跟当初一样吗?Anna and Jacob fall instantly in love when they meet as students at an L.A. university. But Anna is British and when graduation approaches, Anna decides to stay and violate her student visa rather than returning to England. After a visit home, she is then unable to return to the United States. While fighting customs and immigration battles, Anna and Jacob must decide if their relationship is worth the distance and the hardship.