约翰尼·诺克斯维尔和斯蒂夫·噢、巴姆、胖子佩斯顿、矮人威曼等人再度集结,制作了全新的3D版蠢蛋搞怪秀。2000至2010,十年时光,记录了他们的青春和友情,这种友情不会因为受各种弹性装置发射的巨掌、棒球、水果的击打而消散;不会因为被故意置入充满蛇的陷阱、在空中翻飞或是爆炸的厕所等险境而倒退;不会因为尿水攻击、喝下对方的汗水、用万能胶拔体毛而反目成仇。他们拥抱彼此,还包括动物,他们用身体承受蝎子、狗、岩羊、驴、牛和蜂群的攻击,他们和新朋友“屁王”一起开怀大笑。不用怀疑,这部纪录片不仅是自毁式恶搞的集合,更是一曲友谊的赞歌。'Jackass 3D' opens with the entire cast all lined up, each wearing a different color of the rainbow, in front of a rainbow colored background, each in turn being attacked in various ways. Some of the footage is slowed down for maximal effect. This is repeated again at the end of the movie with additional explosions mixed in with gallons of water to wash away the cast- chaos is resumed. Throughout the movie the team are subjected to the usual foray of physical abuse from team members or perform hilarious stunts (including some of the more stomach turning stunts such as the Sweat suit cocktail, Toy Train Eruption and Poo Cocktail Supreme - not for the weak stomached!).