美国内战期间,流寇把乔赛·韦尔斯(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)一家的安稳田园摧残到家破人亡。于是乔赛·韦尔斯决定加入南军游击队,保护手无寸铁的人。内战结束时,他拒绝向杀害自己家人的北军投降,走上一条逃亡之路。在路上,他遇到一个印第安切诺基老酋长,一个纳瓦霍妇女,和 来自堪萨斯的母女俩……Josey Wales makes his way west after the Civil War, determined to live a useful and helpful life. He joins up with a group of settlers who need the protection that a man as tough and experienced as he is can provide. Unfortunately, the past has a way of catching up with you, and Josey is a wanted man.