该剧被称作希区柯克电影《惊魂记》(Psycho)的前传。 故事讲述了仍是少年的Norman (弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)和哥哥(马克斯·希尔莱耶 Max Thieriot 饰)以及母亲(维拉·法米加 Vera Farmiga 饰)搬来小镇后进入当地高中就读。遇到了讨厌他的高中的大人物Richard(理查德·哈蒙 Richard Harmon 饰)和行为古怪但是充满激情的女孩Emma(奥莉薇·库克 Olivia Cooke 饰)。老师兼心理顾问Watson小姐(凯加·康勒·翠西 Keegan Connor Tracy 饰)曾给予他不少帮助。而Norman和母亲之前似乎存在着不一样的奇怪关系。Norman是怎样从一个善良懦弱的青年一步步堕落成臭名昭著的连环杀手的?"Bates Motel" is a contemporary prequel to the genre-defining film "Psycho," and gives a portrayal of how Norman Bates' (Freddie Highmore) psyche unravels through his teenage years. Fans discover the dark, twisted backstory of Norman Bates and how deeply intricate his relationship with his mother, Norma (Vera Farmiga), truly is.