1951年,美国纽约。在非美活动调查委员会举行的一次听证会上,Emily Crane拒绝回答有关她和一个人权组织的关系的问题,因此,她被认为蔑视国会。她因此失去了工作并受到美国联邦调查局的监视。Emily Crane在卡罗尔街一位老太太家找到一份差使——陪伴并朗读书籍。有时她透过...Emily Crane is fired after refusing to give names to a 1951 House Un-American Activities Committee, and takes a part-time job as companion to an old lady. One day her attention is drawn to a noisy argument being conducted largely in German in a neighbouring house, the more so since one of those involved is her main senator prosecutor. Starting to look into things, she gradually enlists the help of FBI officer Cochran who was initially detailed to check her out. Just as well when things turn nasty.