一群强盗每年都要骚扰墨西哥的一个小村庄。村里的长者派三名农夫去美国,目的是寻找武艺高强的枪手来保卫村庄。最后一共来了7名高手,他们去墨西哥的理由每个人都各不相同。他们人单力薄,要对付100多个前来掠食的强盗。经过一番激战,终于将盗贼歼灭,但七人中亦折损四人,令人伤感不已。A bandit terrorizes a small Mexican farming village each year. Several of the village elders send three of the farmers into the United States to search for gunmen to defend them. They end up with seven, each of whom comes for a different reason. They must prepare the town to repulse an army of thirty bandits who will arrive wanting food.