意大利罗马,风雨交加,狂风大作。性感迷人的女模特伊莎贝拉(Francesca Ungaro 弗兰西丝卡•盎格鲁 饰)的房间内突然闯进一个头戴面具、手持匕首的黑衣人。性感伊人的被残忍杀害,其哀号求救声淹没在电闪雷鸣之中。 次日,女房东(Eva Bartok 伊娃•巴特克 饰)发现了伊莎贝拉的尸体,警方以及与其相关的各色人旋即赶到。经勘查发现,女模特之死似乎与一本红色日记本有关。这本日记如今落在另一名女模特妮可(Ariana Gorini 爱莲娜•格里尼 饰)的手中,她决定将日记交给警方。然而,围绕这本神秘日记的杀戮已经展开……Isabella, a young model is murdered by a mysterious masked figure at a boarding house run by Max Morlacchi and his lover Countess Cristiana Como. When Isabella's boyfriend is suspected of the killing, her diary, which apparently has some incriminating evidence linking her to the killer, dissapears, the masked killer begins killing off all the models in and around the house to find the diary.