更新日期2019-05-12 06:05:30
导演 Dennis Kirkland/John Robins/Mark Stuart/本尼·希尔 Benny Hill
主演 本尼·希尔 Benny Hill/Henry McGee/Bob Todd
类型剧情 / 喜剧 / 
语言英语 / 
The Benny Hill Show
28.94 GB

    The Benny Hill Show

  • pianhd.com.txt(30B)
  • The Benny Hill Show S01E01.mkv(624.76 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S01E02.mkv(491.14 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S01E03.mkv(499.74 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S01E04.mkv(481.78 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S02E01.mkv(467.85 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S02E02.mkv(364.40 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S02E03.mkv(514.97 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S02E04.mkv(447.85 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S02E05.mkv(529.11 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S03E01.mkv(451.00 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S03E02.mkv(478.26 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S03E03.mkv(495.21 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S03E04.mkv(469.98 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S04E01.mkv(515.05 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S04E02.mkv(489.04 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S04E03.mkv(524.19 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S04E04.mkv(573.38 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S05E01.mkv(459.94 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S05E02.mkv(492.25 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S05E03.mkv(530.56 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S05E04.mkv(500.84 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S06E01.mkv(586.82 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S06E02.mkv(564.19 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S06E03.mkv(449.31 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S07E01.mkv(527.43 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S07E02.mkv(551.59 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S07E03.mkv(573.44 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S07E04.mkv(494.35 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S08E01.mkv(557.87 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S08E02.mkv(462.71 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S08E03.mkv(517.93 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S09E01.mkv(448.49 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S10E01.mkv(523.94 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S10E02.mkv(448.38 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S10E03.mkv(464.08 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S11E01.mkv(522.83 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S11E02.mkv(431.27 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S11E03.mkv(507.80 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S12E01.mkv(535.96 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S12E02.mkv(542.50 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S12E03.mkv(492.53 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S13E01.mkv(541.66 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S13E02.mkv(580.70 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S14E01.mkv(497.97 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S14E02.mkv(509.30 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S15E01.mkv(655.90 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S15E02.mkv(467.93 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S16E01.mkv(583.33 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S16E02.mkv(568.22 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S16E03.mkv(573.67 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S17E01.mkv(528.52 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S17E02.mkv(470.95 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S17E03.mkv(475.10 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S18E01.mkv(494.13 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S18E02.mkv(526.85 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S19E01.mkv(503.97 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S19E02.mkv(565.86 MB)
  • The Benny Hill Show S19E03.mkv(487.40 MB)




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班尼·希尔(Benny Hill,班尼·黑尔),原名Alfred Hawthorne Hill,英国著名喜剧演员。这位生于20世纪20年代的喜感胖子曾带给人们无数的快乐。他于20世纪50年代登陆电视荧屏,在其著名的The Benny Hill Show中,他百般变装,时而憨态可掬,时而狡黠鬼马,时而愚蠢拙朴,即使一脸严肃也令人忍俊不禁,捧腹大笑,其高超自然的搞笑功底甚至令喜剧之王卓别林都敬佩有加,成为其电视节目的忠实粉丝。二人互为偶像和拥趸的关系着实有趣,堪称笑坛佳话。1991年,班尼·希尔荣获瑞士韦维喜剧节查理·卓别林国际奖,实可谓对其演艺事业的无上褒奖。   1992年4月20日,68岁的班尼·希尔坐在家中的摇椅上与世长辞,一代传奇笑匠永远合上双眼。如果圣火变成剩火。