在经营了多年的桌球室里,艾迪(保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman饰)发现了一个优质的桌球苗子——文森(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise饰)。文森暗藏着艾迪当年在桌球台上的风采,令艾迪决心收他为徒,助他在桌球事业上大显身手。于是,艾迪、文森和文森的女友,一同前往大西洋城参加大赛。 一路上,文森参加了不少小型比赛,虽然和艾迪之间不断有分歧,但也赢回不少金钱。同时,艾迪在培养文森的过程中,内心对桌球的热爱又重新被唤起,他重新拿起球杆,不料却败北而归。失落的艾迪决定离开文森,一个人苦练球技重振雄风。当踌躇满怀的艾迪重回大西洋赛场,却发现文森成为了自己的对手。 此时的文森对金钱的追求,已经远远超过了桌球本身。艾迪和文森的比赛成为一场尊严与金钱之战。Pool hustler Fast Eddie Felson finds the young, promising pool player Vincent in a local bar and he sees in him a younger version of himself. To try and make it as in the old days, Eddie offers to teach Vincent how to be a hustler. After some hesitations Vincent accepts and Eddie takes him and Vincent's girlfriend Carmen on a tour through the country to work the pool halls. However, Vincent's tendency to show off his talent and by doing so warning off the players and losing money, soon leads to a confrontation with Eddie.