北宋年间,杨家将出战金沙滩,佘太群求得“七子去六子还”的签语,心中忐忑。国丈潘美因杨七郎打死自己儿子,使计陷害杨家将,令杨家一门忠烈在金沙滩的对辽战事中几乎俱折,唯有杨五郎(刘家辉 饰)负伤逃脱、杨六郎(傅声 饰)发狂返回天波府。潘美为斩草树根,引辽兵入宋,暗中将天波府团团围住,以防杨家将面见皇帝伸冤。杨五郎得悉皇帝下诏斥自己为叛徒,心感走投无路,经一义士以命相劝,遂远上五台山清凉寺请求出家,方丈因其杀性未伏,不予接纳,杨五郎强驻寺中,并化杨家枪法为棍法,潜心修炼。不久,天波府因僧人报信,派出杨八妹(惠英红 饰)赴五台山接杨五郎,沿途潘美步步紧逼,令杨五郎下山救妹复仇……The Yang family was the loyal strong-arm of the Imperial army. But a jealous General betrays the Eilte Spearman and their father to the opposing Mongol army. After an ambush of a battle, only two of the seven sons survive. One remains hidden by the family while the other lives on the run. The traitorous general must find them and silence them before either of them can testify to the Emperor of his treachery.