艾德(Brian Presley 饰)、汉瑞(Jake Muxworthy 饰)和菲尔(Rider Strong 饰)是三个来自美国的大学生,又逢周末,青春躁动的大男孩们相约前往美国南部边境寻欢作乐。他们驱车来到到墨西哥北部一个叫曼泽塔的小镇,这里荒凉鬼魅、黯淡无光的景象似乎并未引起男孩们的主意,他们一门心思寻找酗酒以及艳遇的机会。 当晚,三个家伙如愿以偿抱得美人归,一夜风流过后却发现,菲尔不见了踪影。艾德和汉瑞四处寻找,毫无下落,连警方也拒绝帮助。他们逐渐意识到,自己已经进入当地人精心编织的杀戮罗网之中……Three college students, Phil, Ed, and Henry take a road trip into Mexico for a week of drinking and carefree fun only to have Phil find himself a captive of a group of satanic Mexican drug smugglers who kill tourists and whom are looking for a group of new ones to prepare for a sacrifice.