20年前,社会主义国家南斯拉夫解体,奉行主义的更迭并未改变东欧这片多灾多难土地的命运。战火持续,人民罹难。时至今日,硝烟仍未从这里散去。卡萝尔(祖儿·费利克斯 Zoé Félix 饰)、马提亚(埃瑞克·萨文 Eric Savin 饰)、萨米尔(Arié Elmaleh 饰)是来自法国的救援小组成员。在完成任务后,他们驱车返回祖国。然而必经之路上有士兵把守,为了不浪费时间,萨米尔建议抄小路前进。这一决定将他们引入一条黑暗之途,行至半路,三人被一群全副武装的不明身份者绑架。在此后的数日内,他们全被关在不见天日的笼子里。 对于对方的动机卡萝尔他们全然不知,只有无尽的恐惧伴随左右,而死神的脚步也在慢慢逼近……In the former Yugoslavia, the French medical team formed by Carole, Samir and Dr. Mathias are returning from Kosovo to Paris by truck. They find a road block and the soldier tells that the army had found mines on the road and is deactivating them; therefore they should wait three hours to follow their journey. Dr. Mathias suggests Carole to drive through a secondary road and they get lost. They ask for direction in an isolated house and sooner a van intercepts their truck in a lonely road. They are abducted and arrested in dirty cells but fed. When Samir is removed from the cell, they find the true intention of the kidnappers.