威尔·弗兰西斯(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)是知名建筑师,可年轻有为的他家庭生活并不那么幸福。妻子与他的沟通越来越少,一心扑在自闭的女儿身上,家人缺乏日常的交流。 威尔的办公室接连被盗,气愤的他开始调查窃贼,并由此结识了单身妈妈阿米拉(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)。魅力独特的阿米拉正是窃贼的母亲,可此时威尔已深深被她吸引。他放弃对盗窃案的追踪,悄悄追求阿米拉。 阿米拉生活贫困,一个人肩负着抚养和教育儿子的重任。威尔渐渐打动了阿米拉,似乎两个人的生活即将因为这段感情被重新构建。然而,生活的解构,并不像威尔设想的那般简单。A mother and her daughter, a mother and her son, and a man living with one and attracted to the other. Miro, a teen from Sarajevo, lives near King's Cross with his mother; he's nimble, able to run across roofs, so his uncle hires him to break into office skylights, so the uncle can boost computers. Twice they steal from Will's architectural firm, so Will stakes it out at night. He follows Miro home and returns the next day and meets Miro's mother, Amira. At home, Will's relationship with Liv is strained - he feels outside Liv and her daughter Bea's circle. The stakeout and Amira's vulnerability are attractive alternatives to being at home. The police, too, watch Miro.