布莱恩(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)和保利(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)是一对从小玩到大的好兄弟,在危机四伏的波士顿,孤苦伶仃的两人只能依靠自己薄弱的力量,不择手段的在这弱肉强食的世界里摸爬滚打着。随着年龄的增长,曾经的小打小闹变成了货真价实的犯罪,在加入了由帕特凯利(布莱恩·古德曼 Brian Goodman 饰)所领导的走私犯罪团伙之后,兄弟两人渐渐走上了不同的道路。 一次毒品交易让两人锒铛入狱,在狱中,布莱恩开始反省自己这些年来的所作所为,他不愿再这样苟且偷生,决定洗心革面,与妻子和孩子过上清白平静的生活。可社会不宽容,无奈之下,走投无路的布莱恩只得和保利再度干起了抢劫的勾当。An armored car is robbed by three men. A passing police officer and one of the robbers exchange fire. The robber is Paulie. In a flashback we follow him and his closest friend, Brian, as they grow up together in South Boston. They're tough guys, thugs, doing jobs for the local boss and chaffing to do more. Paulie's the leader. Brian drinks too much and free bases, ignoring his wife and two young boys. Life-changing events lead him to try to go straight, look for work, take what comes his way, and go to A.A. meetings. He struggles. Paulie shows him the plans for the armored car job. Will they do it? "I am who I am," Brian tells his wife. Is crime his only skill?