两个结婚的男人请他们的是单身花花公子朋友帮助他们想办法挽救他们的婚姻。可事情总是事与愿违,妻子们开始怀疑改造过的新丈夫比原来的更糟糕。My Man Is A Loser is a full-featured comedy about two married guys who employ their single playboy friend to help them get their mojo back to save their marriages. During the ensuing adventures, things start to backfire leaving the wives to wonder if the new versions of their husbands are worse than the old ones. This movie is projected to be released in 2014 and will deploy billions of Digital impressions including millions of Twitter and Facebook fans and followers helping to promote the film. We expect that this will be the heaviest digitally promoted Independent film to date.