荒凉严峻的美国西北小镇,命运交织的平凡人生兀自翻涌著。因为劳工索赔被拒,心有不甘的男子愤而携枪挟持人质,迫使女律师不得不硬著头皮隻身涉险劝说;为了建造新家,一对夫妻努力说服当地老人家出售他囤积多年的沙岩,却也让他们的婚姻裂痕隐隐浮现;为了担任法律课程的讲师,年轻女律师千里迢迢地来到偏远小社区,意外与牧场女工逐渐亲密。Certain Women drops us into a handful of intersecting lives across Montana. A lawyer (Laura Dern) tries to defuse a hostage situation and calm her disgruntled client (Jared Harris), who feels slighted by a workers' compensation settlement. A married couple (Michelle Williams and James Le Gros) breaks ground on a new home but exposes marital fissures when they try to persuade an elderly man to sell his stockpile of sandstone. A ranch hand (Lily Gladstone) forms an attachment to a young lawyer (Kristen Stewart), who inadvertently finds herself teaching a twice-weekly adult education class, four hours from her home.