和前夫托尼(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)离婚后,苏珊(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)嫁给了名为霍顿(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)的男子,尽管两人的婚姻已经维系了十多年之久,但很显然,这段感情早已经失去了激情,疲态尽显。与此同时,霍顿公司遭遇的危机,亦让这个曾经富裕的家庭走到了濒临破产的边缘,而苏珊严重的失眠问题持续的困扰着她的生活。 某日,苏珊收到了一封意外的邮件,托尼将自己新创作尚未出版的小说《夜行动物》寄给了苏珊,他告诉苏珊,这是一本专门为她写就的小说,希望她能够读一读。在阅读小说的过程中,苏珊不断的回忆起自己和托尼自相恋到决裂的过程,在此过程中,一些肮脏而又不为人知的秘密渐渐浮出了水面。A "story inside a story," in which the first part follows a woman named Susan who receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband, a man whom she left 20 years earlier, asking for her opinion. The second element follows the actual manuscript, called "Nocturnal Animals," which revolves around a man whose family vacation turns violent and deadly. It also continues to follow the story of Susan, who finds herself recalling her first marriage and confronting some dark truths about herself.