凯莉卡伯不了解她的丈夫-罗杰,为何锺爱这幢世袭的房子,甚至他同父异母的兄弟,出高价都不为所动。或许是他的祖父立过血誓永不变卖,罗杰也不愿违背誓言。突然间一切都改变了,罗杰被车子撞死,十三岁的女儿劳莉因此瘫痪,凯莉搬进老屋抚养女儿,远思亡夫。但房子隐藏著某种邪恶的力量紧追著她,黏土从水龙头流出;地窟传来呻吟的声音。凯莉被搞得精疲力竭,一幢古怪传统的房子,频有幽魂作怪。一连串阴森反覆无常的恐怖事情即将展开…。Following a disagreement with Roger Cobb (played by William Katt) and his brother Roger and his new wife and young daughter decide to keep the old and supposedly haunted family home. When driving back to town, Roger is killed in a car accident. His family move into the old home. Inside the house, widow and her daughter experience bizarre and frightening events, while they all ready have to deal with the pressures of selling the Cobb home to a mysterious group.