由克里斯蒂安·施沃霍夫执导,改编自西格弗里德·伦茨的同名小说《Deutschstunde》。这部二战反思小说是德国文学史上的里程碑杰作,具有重要的意义。时长两小时影片,尽管无法完美呈现原著内容,但也剥离出来一条主线,很好描绘了人们的亲情友情在那个时代背景下所遭受的扭曲。Siggi Jepsen is in Germany after the war in an institution for difficult to educate young people. He is to write an essay on the subject "The pleasures of duty", but has no idea. Only when he is locked in a cell the next day, the memories of his childhood during the Second World War break out of him: His father Jens Ole Jepsen, a police officer, was then commissioned to bring the friendly expressionist painter Ludwig Nansen a professional ban , At Nansen's surveillance, Siggi was supposed to help him at the time, but eventually he rebelled against his father, sided with the recalcitrant Nansen and hid some of the forbidden pictures, eventually leading to his stay in the asylum.